Thursday 1 December 2016

Do Something Different! Try Stand Up Paddleboarding With Psyched Paddleboarding

We’ve loved the look of Stand up Paddleboarding (SUP) for some time, and I must admit to having one (disastrous!) attempt at it myself a couple of years ago. In my defense it was freezing cold, my back injury was at it’s worst and it was in a lake full of mud and pond weed which completely freaked me out each time I fell in.

Quite aside from putting me off though, that first experience has made me even more determined to give it another go and master it.

As one of the fastest growing watersports in the UK, SUP is already very popular in places like Australia and the US, and it’s not difficult to see why. It is such a fun sport to do and the health benefits gained from paddleboarding are tremendous!

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Based on my own limited experience, It would be remiss of me to think I am well placed to provide advice on SUP, so I was delighted to get the chance to chat to Sian Sykes from Psyched Paddleboarding.

Psyched Paddleboarding was set up by Sian, a fully qualified outdoor instructor based in the beautiful regions of Anglesey and Snowdonia, in North Wales. She works hard to offer people a brilliant stand up paddleboarding (SUP) experience, and she provides a range of different options. From an introduction to paddleboarding to exciting SUP holidays and retreats in Anglesey, North Wales, and further afield, so it’s easy to find the right adventure for you.

Paddleboarding in beautiful places

Health Benefits of Stand up Paddleboarding

We spoke to Stand up Paddleboarding expert Sian and asked her about some of the health benefits of SUP.  Here’s what she told us.

  • Improves balance: Actually standing up on the board requires a lot of core stability and leg strength in order to maintain a good balance and avoid falling into the water, so SUP gives your core an excellent workout.
  • Great body workout: Almost every muscle in your body is used at some point during paddleboarding. Because of the balance required, leg muscles and core will be working extra hard to stabilise you, while the abdominal muscles, arms, back and shoulders are used to help you move the board in the water. So it’s a fantastic full body work out!
  • Reduces stress: Water naturally relaxes the body and exercise helps to reduce stress. When you are out paddleboarding you get into a mediative state by focusing on the rhythms of your stroke and being close to the water. It’s a wonderful feeling being away from the hectic pace of daily life and being on the water. The stress you feel starts to melts away whilst you are out paddling.
  • Great cardio workout: If you spend enough time out on the water paddleboarding, you can get a great cardio workout! To push yourself a little you can race your friends or try interval training while paddling to make it a bit more challenging – a great way to get the heart rate up.
  • Improves your mood: Being out on the water is calming, and a great opportunity to reconnect with nature. It’s amazing what bird and marine life you will see on your journey on a SUP. I’ve been fortunate to see seals, porpoise and watch jelly fish elegantly float past me. It can have such a positive effect on your overall mental health and attitude.
  • Low impact: SUP is easy on the joints and ligaments.

Try something new! Stand up Paddleboarding SUP Photo Credit:

What Kit Do You Need?

As for kit, when it comes to booking a session with Sian, she provides everything that you’ll need (Find out what Sian wears when paddleboarding here) for the session including;
  • Inflatable paddleboard, leash to connect you to the board, paddle
  • Wetsuit, rash vest and jacket
  • Changing robe and changing mat
  • Herbal teas and hot chocolate and cake or biscuits (Hot chocolate and cake? Yep, you can count us in)

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Learn How To Do It Safely

As with all new sports, it really does make sense to pay an expert to show you the ropes and when it comes to paddleboarding, especially out in open water or anywhere with a current, it’s crucial to know what you are doing.
Paddleboarding in beautiful places
Sian told us that for paddleboarding people need to know how to use the kit and to understand the environment they are going to explore. Sadly there have been a few fatal accidents on paddleboards, as people didn’t have the right knowledge or skills so she runs a 2 day SUP Safety & Awareness course. The course is designed to give you all the tools you’ll need to help with planning a journey, understanding weather, water and tides, code of conduct, rescues and what kit to use.

Start Your Own SUP Journey!

Prices for a 2 hour introduction session with Sian start at just £40. So whether you want a gentle introduction or an an advanced training session to give you the confidence and skills necessary to fully prepare you for your own SUP journey, you can find out more by taking a look at Psyched Paddleboarding.





The post Do Something Different! Try Stand Up Paddleboarding With Psyched Paddleboarding appeared first on Camping with Style Camping Blog | Activities • Glamping • Travel • Adventure.


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