Sunday 25 September 2016

Kinder Downfall to Hayfield Circular Peak District Walk


Kinder Scout Walk

Walk Details

Kinder Downfall from Hayfield, circular route, see it here.

We leave work, and in less than an hour we’re pulling up at  Hayfield Campsite in the High Peak.  I’ve been wanting to walk Kinder Scout since reading a friends blog article about it the year before, though last time we were in the region visiting Mam Tor, the weather was horrendous with extremely low visibility, so I’m hoping the forecast weather holds.

Hayfield campsite ideal for walking Kinder Scout

We arrive at the campsite to find my daughter and her boyfriend are already there and pitched. Our pitch is right beside them, and with our reduced weekend camping set up, I’m ready to relax with a G&T about 45 minutes later. We make dinner and then sit together looking at the stars and full moon, listening to owls hoot, discussing the route we’re going to take tomorrow.

Bowden Bridge Carpark at the Start of the Walk Up Kinder Scout

Heading to Bowden Bridge carpark across the road from Hayfield campsite

We wake up early on Saturday to a bright, sunny day. I set about getting breakfast on the go for the 4 of us, then we set about packing our backpacks ready for the days walk. I’d chosen the campsite due to it’s proximity to the start of the walking route we planned to follow, and after a hearty breakfast and checking we’ve all got water and supplies for the day, we set off.

Mass trespass of Kinder Scout

Leaving the campsite we walk across the road to the starting point of the walk, where we pause to look at the sign commemorating the Mass Trespass of 1932, when walkers joined forces to defend their right to ramble.


We check the route again, set our various GPS tracking devices and head off towards the first section of the walk that takes us up past Kinder Reservoir.


The first part of the walk leading to Kinder Reservoir

As we walk, the sun climbs higher and as we start to gain height and our pace slows, more of the stunning landscape reveals itself, providing some stunning photo opportunities.

Kinder Scout Walk September 2016

The first climb, with Kinder Reservoir on our right

Kinder Scout Walk September 2016

The view over the wall as we start to gain height

 Kinder Scout Walk September 2016

Higher up now, we have a clear view of Kinder Reservoir


Green algae in the water

Kinder Scout Walk Reservoir September 2016

The far end of the reservoir, with Kinder Downfall clearly visible

Kinder Scout walk


We take frequent stops, mainly to take photographs and catch our breath. Once we clear the reservoir the terrain starts to change, and heather lines the path towards the next climb which takes us up the side of Grinds Brook, and the terrain starts to get rocky as we walk via William Clough to reach the plateau of Kinder Scout.

Up on the Kinder Scout plataeu

The view back down to the reservoir

A Cairn up on Kinder ScoutA cairn up on the Kinder Scout plateau


The rocks around Kinder Downfall

Kinder Scout Walk

Kinder Downfall

The weather remains on our side, and we stop when we reach Kinder Downfall for a long lunch.


Red Brook, and more stunning photo opportunities


Daughter Shammie and her boyfriend Josh


One of the reasons why our walks always take so long – stopping at every opportunity to take photos!

A skull up on Kinder Scout

Probably the coolest picture I took on the walk


High up at the Kinder Scout Trig pointkinder-scout-walk-sept2016-16

Another stop to check the final party of the route

We take a wrong turn, and end up having to check the GPS to make sure we can find our way back down into Hayfield.


We make it back to Hayfield and make a beeline for the Sportsman Inn where we enjoy an enormous meal. The food is excellent and after over 6 hours of walking, we’re delighted to get a proper breather before making our way back to the campsite for a well earned shower.




The post Kinder Downfall to Hayfield Circular Peak District Walk appeared first on Camping With Style Travel & Adventure Blog.


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