Friday 20 April 2018

ACTIVE | 5 Of The Things I Love To Do To Stay Active

As a proud member of the Decathlon blogger community I love the brands core belief that sports should be inclusive and for all body types. As a larger lady who is also active, the perception that only skinny people or those with a classically athletic build can be fit is endlessly frustrating. Brands that don’t offer sports clothing above a size 12/14 are a frequent irritation, as though someone who’s a size 14/16 couldn’t possibly need snowboarding gear or a wetsuit because we’re too busy eating cake and watching TV to go outside and actually do physical stuff.

To be honest though it’s not just brands or the perception of others that can be frustrating, I’ve had to battle and overcome my own negative perceptions of myself and what I’m capable of.

For many years I totally eschewed climbing, assuming that it was something that only skinny, lithe people could do. Now obviously being strong and flexible is a distinct advantage, but that didn’t mean that climbing was a sport that was completely closed to me! I closed it off to myself in my own head and avoided it for many years, until one day when I thought “y’know what? I’m gonna give it a try!” and I loved it.

So don’t let the perception of others, or even yourself stop you from trying new things. I’ve stopped worrying about bits wobbling on the treadmill at the gym and instead focus on the fact that I’m active and helping to improve my cardiovascular and mental health… and having a jolly good time to boot!

Shell snowboarding in WhistlerMe looking insanely happy (or just insane?), snowboarding in Whistler Canada


I started snowboarding in my mid twenties and I absolutely adore it. It’s hands down the thing I would choose to do all day every day If I could! Of course living in the UK means opportunities to snowboard are generally limited to my annual snowboarding holiday to either Canada or Europe, or the occasional session on an indoor slope like the Tamworth Snowdome or Chill Factore in Manchester.

My dad started snowboarding a few years ago, and comes along on family snowboarding holidays – and he’s 70 – so stop making excuses. If you’ve ever fancied giving snowsports a try, book a taster session at an indoor slope and go for it!

Go for it!

Here are a few places to grab yourself a lesson or for experienced skiers and snowboarders, some slope time on real snow.

Shell hikingMe out walking in the Peak District


I used to hate going out for walks as it bored me to tears. Then I learnt some mindfulness techniques and started to take more of an active interest in nature and in landscape photography and that changed everything! As a thrill-seeker at heart, gentle walks still don’t really do it for me, but I have learned to appreciate every second I spend outdoors no matter what I’m doing.

I’ve also found that I can get the kick of adrenaline I crave by choosing more challenging terrain, for example a mountain ascent that requires a scramble. The thing I love most about walking is that it’s so easy to build up your fitness and it’s also so accessible, unlike some of the sports that I do like snowboarding and kayaking, the investment needed to get out walking is next to nothing!

Go for it!

It really couldn’t be easier. Get started by going to a local reservoir or nature reserve and following a walking route before working up to scaling hills or mountains.

Kayak hire Taymouth marina scotland loch tayKayaking in Scotland on Loch Tay


I have always been a bit of a water baby. When I broke my back in a snowboarding accident it was swimming 5 days a week that helped me to regain my fitness. I’m not the worlds best swimmer, but I’m not too bad either and I love the freedom of being in and on the water.

Kayaking is something I tried for the first time about 10 years ago, and I’ve loved it ever since. From then I’ve gone from kayaking on small local lakes to exhilarating sea kayaking trips and I can’t get enough of it. It’s easy to do, not too physically demanding as you can take it as fast or slow as you like and hiring a kayak and having a go is pretty easy. Just look for a local kayak hire company who will hire you everything you need including a wetsuit and BA (buoyancy aid).

Go for it!

Find a local kayaking company by doing a simple Google search then hire a kayak or book a beginners coaching session to get yourself started.

Climbing at KilnworksClimbing on Christmas Eve (hence the Santa hat)

Indoor Climbing

As well as vertigo and being generally afraid of heights, I perceived climbing as being something only thin people could do. I was embarrassed worrying what If I was too heavy? What If I looked like a big lump and wouldn’t be able to climb more than a couple of metres? I pushed the worries aside and overcame my own fears to give it a go. And I loved it!

Since then I’ve gone on to purchase all my own climbing gear (purchased from Decathlon) and I’m keen to do some outdoor climbing too. Climbing I think has been the biggest surprise for me, my life-long belief that I’d hate it and that it wasn’t for me, couldn’t have been more wrong! it just goes to show what can happen when you move outside of your comfort zone and challenger your own perceptions.

Go for it!

It’s so easy to get started, with pretty much all climbing centres offering taster sessions which includes expert tuition and hire of your climbing harness etc.


Shell at the gym

The Gym

Some people hate the gym, and whilst I love being outside, luckily I also love the gym! I’ve never regarded going to the gym as a chore because the benefits it has on my mental health, above everything else are dramatic. I’ve been a member of my local Bannatynes gym now for some 15 years. My gym routine recently isn’t as tight as it once was, but I’m not beating myself up about it. I still go regularly and I now do loads of extra sports and activities to make it up for it when I don’t go.

I love the time to think that being at the gym gives me. After a long day at work it can be tempting to drive straight past and go home instead, but the benefits of investing an hour into me, are always worth it.

it’s all about finding what works for you, trying new things and just going for it. Life’s just too short and our health is just too important not to make it a priority and finding sports that you love ensure improving your fitness won’t ever be a chore and only ever a pleasure.

Go for it!

The gym isn’t for everyone, so instead of committing to a membership you won’t use get started by opting for a pay as you go option, or choosing a gym that doesn’t tie you in to a year long contract. Don’t feel intimidated. Everyone there is investing in their health and the fact you’re there too, whatever shape or size you are, instantly makes you ‘one of them’, you DO belong.


Over to you, I’d love to hear how you stay active and keep fit!

The post ACTIVE | 5 Of The Things I Love To Do To Stay Active appeared first on Camping with Style Camping Blog | Activities • Glamping • Travel • Adventure.


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