Thursday 5 April 2018

NEWS | Out Now! The Girl Outdoors: The Wild Girl’s Guide to Adventure, Travel and Wellbeing

The Wild Girl's Guide to Adventure, Travel and Wellbeing Book Review

What is it?

The Girl Outdoors: The Wild Girl’s Guide to Adventure, Travel and Wellbeing Book Review by Sian Lewis
£12.18 from
Buy it here

The verdict

I have been following Sian on social media for years, have chatted to her online and have read lots of her features before, so I had high hopes for her new book, which was released today.

I was delighted to receive an advance copy of The Girl Outdoors: The Wild Girl’s Guide to Adventure, Travel and Wellbeing, and took it with me up to Scotland over Easter where I read it cover to cover.

From tips on cooking outdoors through to choosing tents and advice on hiking and snow sports, the contents of the book felt like it was written just for me. Sian has a relaxed writing style making the book easy to read, and the way it’s organised means you can jump in and out of it with ease, choosing whatever section takes your fancy at any given time.

The superb, vibrant photography in the book really makes it come alive.

The superb, vibrant photography in the book really makes it come alive, and I’m left no longer thinking “wow, I’ve done so many amazing fun things, what’s left?” as it’s clear from The Girl Outdoors that there are still heaps more things I can turn my hand to in the great outdoors. So whilst you won’t catch me attempting trail running any time soon, you can bet that wild camping and paddle boarding have moved even higher up my “great outdoors stuff left to do” list.

Although there were a couple of inaccuracies I picked up on (as a Goofy snowboarder and canvas bell tent owner for many years, but hey, no one’s perfect!), but largely the book is informative with just the right level of detail, as well as being an inspiring and a joyous celebration of all things active and outdoors.

I really don’t think any woman could read this book and not find at least one thing in it to leave them feeling inspired and more confident about trying something they’ve perhaps been a little scared to try previously.

A thoroughly empowering feel-good book, that left me feeling positive, determined and joyous with anticipation.

The Girl Outdoors is a thoroughly empowering feel-good book, that left me feeling positive, determined and joyous with anticipation. There aren’t many books that have had such an instantly uplifting effect me that’s for sure and from one outdoors writer to another, I’d like to congratulate Sian on her brilliant achievement.

Get your own copy of The Girl Outdoors: The Wild Girl’s Guide to Adventure, Travel and Wellbeing Book Review by Sian Lewis.

The post NEWS | Out Now! The Girl Outdoors: The Wild Girl’s Guide to Adventure, Travel and Wellbeing appeared first on Camping with Style Camping Blog | Activities • Glamping • Travel • Adventure.


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